Saturday, January 15, 2011


Whew!!  I finally watched all of the iMovie video tutorials on

There were so many topics to learn but it really helped me to revise a previous movie that I had created from my video camera.

The topic that I need to work on in iMovie is moving stills to the Project Library to from the Event Library.   I keep dragging only some of the files instead of all of them. I did the technique of selecting and choosing the letter “e” but sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t. Also, another problem I had was that when I was able to drag the video clips there were no spaces between them to add transitions.  I have to keep practicing on this technique.  My video that I had did previous did grad and drop with no issues and did have a space between each clip, so I have to figure out what I did right and what I have done wring with other video clips.

Screen Print of my video projects

Screen Print of my folder created for my video projects

Screen Print of my projects moved into the project folder

If you have any suggestions for me please let me know.
Now, go check out the next couple of blogs to see my before and after videos


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