Sunday, January 16, 2011

BP4 - Slidestory


 Slidestory Home Page

 Example of Podcast  Already Created

 Podcast can be emailed from this website

 Embedded code is provided

 Final Product of data with pictures

Final product with web address

The Web 2.0 that I chose to review is the webcast website called, “Slidestory.”  I chose this link because I wanted to find an option of making a webcast for my upcoming CBR Bullying Prevention Program for the committee members.
Teachers are very busy people with classroom management; lesson plans, grading assignments along with meeting with other staff members and parents.   I wanted to find a slideshow type webcast that these individuals can listen and watch at their own leisure.  I found Slidestory easy to maneuver, download and most of al free.

The slides were very easy to create.  The only reminder for any person adding slides is that each recording must not exceed on minute.  In other words you have to be brief, short and precise for each slide shown.

My reasoning of choosing this Web 2.0 was to give bi-weekly comments to group members are a way to keep them on task.  For instance after the initial meeting I will tell all group members that they will get a bi-weekly reminders of assignments for the month and then recommendation for the next upcoming meeting. 

My first podcast will be a welcome message then a brief introduction to the sources being used in the Bullying Prevention Program.  Then I will remind all group members to fill out their surveys that are in their mailboxes and to submit them to me within a one-week turnaround.

Please take the time to look below at the screen shots of Slidestory.  Also, check out the link below that will take you to this site to listen to my podcast.  This is not the podcast to be given to the Teachers.  This is just an example for your eyes and ears only.  The pictures are small.  I downloaded them from Microsoft Office Clip Art and the Stop Bullying Now website. 

One final note:  The software for Slidestory was compatible in my PC but not my MAC but since I am just posting this to blogs or website this was okay with me since I have both types of computers.
Click on the link after my name to view the podcast. I hope you enjoy it.


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