Saturday, January 8, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my Blog

Hello and welcome to my new blog.

I'm excited to choose this resource to start conversation regarding a topic that is current in today's society, especially in school - Bullying.  This negative social punishment to children are still happening at an alarming rate.  The news media constantly reports issues of children being beaten, slanders or even killed.  I am currently in the process of starting a Bullying Prevention program at my place of employment.  I am currently the Technology Teacher at St. Malachy in Philadelphia, PA. The students I teach here range from the K to 8th Grades.   If you have any ideas on how to prevent bullying in schools please send me a message.  I will truly appreciate your thoughts and ideas on the subject.  Here is a picture of the website developed by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
It is called StopBullyingNow! Please check out this website and pass on their great ideas on Bullying Prevention.
I have received their approval to use their resources to establish a bullying prevention program in 2011.
Thank you and again, welcome to my Blog


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