Sunday, January 23, 2011

PE5 –Google Earth

Hey Everyone:
I am still working with the Vodcast capabilities.  It is really fun to work with. I hope to teach this to my students in the month of May.  I have to get some microphones for them and after my short presentation they can have fun with it.
I’ll start them by searching together at one location such as the house I grew up in Philly, I can pull this up easily. 

Here it is below:
Then I will have them work on a pre-determined site of a previous earthquake site.  I think that this Web 2.0 will be a good interactive tool.  Also, since they have never recorded anything on their own in the computer lab they will enjoy this activity.
I will teach this lesson to the 7th and 8th Graders only. 
The 8th Graders will also research future schools they would like to go to once they graduate from High School.
I am glad I chose Google Earth and I am really excited that it has this Vodcast skill.

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